
Thursday, February 19, 2009

4-4-4 meme

I’ve been tagged by my friend Amber at Monster Cookies
The rules are…
Go into your photo archive, pick the 4th folder in the archive, select the 4th picture in the folder, and write about it. Then tag 4 other people to do the same.

Here is my picture.

This picture was taken last summer on a visit to Marc's parents. Cousins Kayla and Cole were visiting too and Noah was thrilled to have someone to have lightsaber duels with. We drove out after work, so we thought pyjamas would be the best thing for the kids to wear. Noah was in a "no PJ tops" phase at the time, but I managed to convince him to wear a tank top at least (more comfy in a seat belt). For the record, we did manage to get his hair cut before he went back to school in the fall. He also started wearing pj tops again once the weather got cold.

Not knowing too many people with blogs, I'm not tagging anyone, but if you read this and feel like responding on Facebook - please do!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

future road trips

So, I'm kind of looking forward to our first road trip since becoming "mini-van people". There is now room in the back for me to sit with the kids and help keep them happy during the trip. It also means I get to watch movies since the van has a DVD player. When I told Noah I would be able to sit in the back and watch movies with him, this was his response.

"you really could because Dad is better at driving the van than you . . . well parking it anyway."

Doesn't do a lot for my confidence!