
Saturday, February 27, 2010


So, I haven't written in awhile. Sure, I'm busy, but really mostly lazy I guess. Here are a few updates. Things I don't want to forget.


Has settled nicely into grade 2 after a rocky first term. He and Marc and I are reading Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and really enjoying it. He has really come a long way in his piano playing, and plays hands-together very well. He doesn't like to sit down and parctice, but he will try out his songs every time he passes the piano (and whenever we ask him to sit down to eat!).


Molly is definitely 4. She is writing her own name and asking how to spell everything else.
Molly: "Mommy, how do you spell, " Molly A and Sophia are my friends and came to my birthday and had fun and I love them"?
Me "um . . . start with an M . . .
She has been a little hard on Hanaa since she learned to walk, but we're hoping that resolves itself soon. We have not enrolled her in any lessons this winter as last term getting her into the class (without a parent) was a complete disaster. So, we've backed off. She goes to daycare 4 days a week without us, so I figure she doesn't need to do a bunch of other things alone. She is in love with "Family Swim Night". We go swimming with some of the families from daycare on Friday evenings and then all share snacks afterward. It is a lovely time, and Molly talks about it all week. Most nights before bed she asks if tomorrow is family swim night.

Hanaa is becoming a toddler by leaps and bounds. She starting walking two weeks ago the day of Molly's birthday party (which has created a few issues for Molly that we are still dealing with . . . ). She waves and says bye-bye. She says hat, and thinks it's hilarious to say "hat" and point at her (hat-less) head. I guess it's funny that she's not wearing a hat. She has a name for Noah that I can't pronounce, but it clearly means Noah. She calls this word after him if he disappears up the stairs or around a corner. Super cute.

I think that will do for now. Updates on the adults can wait!