
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

tuesday randoms

Many thanks to Amber at Monster Cookies for introducing me to Tuesday Randoms. Great idea! At some point I will link this up to her source!

The keen emptiness of the minivan after I've dropped my kids at daycare and continue on to work -- the echoes of Molly's and Hanaa's cries filling my thoughts.

The thought that waiting for Molly's thumb-sucking to resolve itself is going to cost us plenty in orthodontist bills. Keep that job with good benefits.

I must stop falling in love with houses on mls before we start looking.

Simon and Garfunkel: Blessed are the meth drinkers, pot sellers, illusion dwellers. wow. Can't wait for May 5th.

Do you ever feel more sympathetic towards a character on TV because of other (unrelated) roles the actor has played? I like Taye Digg's character on Private Practice more because he was in RENT (even though he played the bad guy).

Ever been tempted to or actually make yourself a peanut-butter marshmallow sandwich? I was tempted tonight. Have not succumbed as of 10:37 pm.

Random enough?

Friday, April 02, 2010

my daycare

I told an acquaintance at work that my daycare was closed over spring break. She was horrified. I wonder what she would have said had I told her about the whole month of August!

Now sure, my reaction was similar when I learned (before signing the kids up, obviously) of these various closures. It can be a problem to come up with that kind of time off. But now, I understand the wisdom of it. It gives the year some structure. It gives us the opportunity to create some family traditions. This year, Marc and I split Spring Break. We each took 2 days off. I took the kids to the park and the Manitoba Museum; Marc took them swimming and to the Children's Museum. It was a great week (even with Hanaa in a no-stroller phase). I think they will look forward to it next year as well. It was also a fairly inexpensive week as we have memberships at the Y and the Museum.

The kids look forward to the month of August as well. Marc and I take vacation time - together if we can manage it. My Mom comes out for a week to take care of the kids. We call it her Nanny-Nana gig. The kids love having her here, and I really enjoy the visit as well as having another adult in the house who can come up with supper ideas (and who makes a killer Greek salad).

So, Shar, if you're reading this (and even if you're not), thank you.