
Sunday, March 29, 2009

3 months

Hanaa is 3 months old today! She is a very busy girl. She hums along when I sing to her and is trying hard to roll over. I am trying to give her more opportunities to lie on the floor. It's a little dangerous with siblings running about and wrestling. And what is it with kids that they insist on standing right beside the baby's head? I digress. I think Hanaa has also started teething - my least favourite milestone. She won't be starting solids for at least 3 months - what is the hurry?


the toys

I spent an entire day last week (between nursing and diaper changes) organizing the toys on the main floor. The bins needed washing and organizing. Toys were just piling up on top of the bookcase instead of being put away. I am trying to make room for a piano in my dining room. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer. The kids are playing with the toys a lot more now that things are organized. I am quite proud of myself!

next project: Molly's room!

I want to move her dresser into the closet so she has more room to play. And don't even get me started on the stuffed animals and dolls!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


If I were a poet, I would write a poem about the bottom of Noah's rain boots. His boots are navy blue, but the bottoms are a beautiful sunshiny yellow, and (I realize this is corny) they seem to represent the part of him that is still a little boy.

Noah is 6 and a half, and I've already started thinking of him as a seven year old. It's a little heartbreaking actually. He doesn't want me to hug or kiss him goodbye at school in case his friends see. It's all about Star Wars and Bakugan and battling and constant (I mean constant) random noises, mostly blaster and gunfire. Sigh.

But yesterday I picked him up from school by myself as Marc was home to look after the girls. It was a melty afternoon, but there was still lots of ice. As we were walking to the van, Noah was sliding on the ice and splashing in the puddles a few feet ahead of me. He was dressed all in dark colours, green jacket, black toque, navy ski pants, navy boots. The only exception was the bottom of his boots, this beautiful yellow that matched his little boy joy at splashing and sliding and falling.