
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

she gets it!

I came home from a non-stress test at the hospital today. (all is well, the baby just doesn't look like it's growing according to fundal height - I think it's just squirmy and rascally and changes positions before being measured.) Molly asked me where the baby was. I think she expected me to bring one home with me. So, I showed her my big round belly, and said the baby was still in there.

She went crazy! She did a little dance. She sang about it. She kept saying, "my baby is in mummy's tummy - my baby, my baby, my baby". Then she had to tell Marc and Noah all about it. She is going to be a great big sister if she doesn't smother the baby with too much love!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

sweet Molly

Molly has decided to become a three year old. It happened sometime last week. Now, usually I'm pleased if the kids are ahead of themselves, but this, ah this could wait.

The terrible twos have never been that awful around here. Molly was downright sweet. If we told her it was Noah's turn with a toy, she would hand it right over. When we asked her to do something (pick up her socks, come to the table), she would sweetly respond: okay-ay, and rush to do whatever it was.

All of that has changed. We've hit the defiant stage. The "I want to be in charge of my life" stage. Lots of drama, lots of tears. Oh dear.

But some things have not changed. She is an extremely grateful child. If you bring her home anything, no matter how small or seemingly dull (to a child), she will say "thank you Mommy" in the sweetest little voice. I mean, she was thrilled with the new underwear I bought her (plain pink, no Dora or anything). The other day she thanked me for bringing home some milk from the grocery store. It's nice to be appreciated. I will have to think of that when she tells me she doesn't love me anymore, which should be in a month or so according to my calculations.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

meant to be

I often hear people say something was meant to be, and I must admit that I am a bit of a skeptic. I think things happen, and people make the best of them, and sometimes their lives change in miraculous ways because of this, but "meant to be" - come on.

This baby is making me change my mind, just a little.

I will admit that this baby was not planned in the same way the other two were. We talked about a third. Neither of us had any strong objections, but the decision was not made consciously. This baby just sort of happened. (ooh, did I ever hate those words when we were trying and trying to conceive our first!)

At first, the timing did not seem ideal. I found out within a week of starting a new job. (on the flip side, Marc had found out he had just landed a new job with a raise, so that was good!) Between nasty boughts of nausea, I dreaded telling my new boss.

While I was dreading telling him, I realized that the timing was actually pretty good in all other aspects of my life. Noah was in school full time, Molly was potty trained and showing that she had enough spunk to survive being a middle child. And, let's face, I was not getting any younger.

I managed to get my lovely midwife back. We are planning a home birth.

So, back to the work situation. I finally told my boss (after my 20 week ultrasound). He was not thrilled. He decided to ask the woman I had replaced to come out of retirement for a year. I felt guilty about that. It turns out that she is really bored and looking for something to do. She is returning to work 4 days a week, and another woman who went on mat-leave 5 years ago is looking for more work, so she is going to pick up the extra day. AND, it looks like when I go back to work, I can go back at 80% (4 days/week).

So, I don't know. All of this may seem a little ordinary and pedestrian, but it's got me feeling like this baby is charmed or something. You know?

Edited to add: There is a deeply superstitious part of me that thinks that all this serendipity is setting me up for a big fall . . . hope not.

Edited to add also: I sure hope I used the word serendipity correctly . . .

sweet siblings

If my kids could play together like they did this morning every day, life would be so sweet.

As I was leaving for work this morning, Molly told me she wanted to play checkers with Noah. I told her to ask him to play. She went over and took his hand, and he bounded off the couch to play with her. He started showing her how to set up the board. She looked up at me with a huge grin, and said "I'm playing checkers with Noah". It was a beautiful moment.

I have to add that I love hearing the way they talk to each other. Noah talks to her like she's his age, which is really cute. Molly responds in her own inimitable fashion. Tonight at supper she asked him if his lettuce was yummy, yes or no?

noah's second symphony concert

Noah and I went to see "Beethoven Lives Upstairs" on Sunday afternoon. It was much easier to get him to this concert than the last one. I blogged about it here.

He was happy to have some one on one time with me, and happy to be headed to the concert. Great. I was a little surprised since it had nothing to do with Star Wars.

The complaints started to come out as soon as we sat down. He didn't like where we were sitting, and why hadn't I asked him before I bought the tickets. Blah blah blah. He was looking a little tired. It was the Sunday after Halloween after all, and my Mom had been in town for a quick visit.

He settled in as the music started, and about half an hour in, he was fast asleep. I just cuddled him in and smiled. He slept for maybe 10 minutes.

When we were talking about the concert at supper that night, I was surprised at how much of the dialogue he actually remembered. He was fascinated by the different ways Beethoven helped himself hear (ear trumpets, and cutting the legs of pianos, and trying different remedies including pouring cream and nuts in his ears). He is a curious boy, and he likes to learn things.