
Monday, October 27, 2008

middle child

I fear that my poor little Molly is feeling the anguish of the middle child already. We haven't enrolled her in any lessons this fall since all the good ones seem to start at age 3 around here. Noah is in swimming lessons. Every Saturday morning when I get ready to take him, Molly begs to come too. She wants to go swimming too.

On Sunday, Marc's parents cancelled an afternoon visit, so we were left with a free afternoon. Despite tremendous temptation to spend the time doing some extra house cleaning, we decided to take the kids for a swim as it was miserable out, and they needed to burn a little energy. Molly was so thrilled, and kept repeating that she was coming too as if she couldn't quite believe it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

my son the gourmet

So, on Saturday morning, I decided to bake some muffins with the kids. I started getting out ingredients only to realize that I did not have enough brown sugar. I did have some muffin mix in the cupboard. So, we made those instead. Noah was not impressed with the "just add water" baking, mostly, I think because he likes to break the eggs.

The next day, the cupboard full of newly purchased groceries, I decided to try again. So, I asked Noah if he would like to help bake Zucchini muffins. He said, "yes, those are the kind I like, not those stupid water muffins" with all the disdain of a scorned Martha Stewart. Too funny.

Edited to add: of course, he is right. The zucchini muffins taste a whole lot better than the "stupid water muffins".

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Last night we took the kids to the annual Boo at the Zoo. There are ghosts and goblins, pirated and princesses, and fun things for the kids to do. Noah dressed as Luke Skywalker (his Yoda costume is still under construction). Molly dressed as Kermit the frog with a clown wig. Very cute.

Noah had fun defending us from the spooky characters with his light saber. Molly enjoyed the less spooky attractions. We only had one incident where there were tears because Molly wanted to go on a ride that she was not big enough to go on. Noah went on the ride and did not enjoy it at all. The funny thing is that Molly would probably have loved it.

On the way home, Noah asked if we could go again next year. I said yes, and that the Baba would be with us next Halloween. Noah has started to plan Star Wars themed costumes for all three of them for next year.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

the environment

We try to do what we can to reduce our carbon footprint. Sure our compost heap could use some attention, and sometimes the TV is on when no one is watching it, but we do try.

We are a one car family. Besides not wanting the extra expense of a new car (and obvious environmental concerns), we just don't have room for another vehicle. We have one parking space behind our house, and we can't park on our street during rush hour. That said, negotiating schedules with drop off and pick up times at daycare has been a bit of a challenge. Our daycare (which we quite like) is only open from 8am until 5pm. At the moment, the schedule that works best for us is the following:

1. Lee-Ann takes the bus to work (leaves the house at 7:28am and arrives at work around 8:05am).

2. Marc drives the kids to daycare around 8:35, then walks Noah two blocks to school. (On days when Marc needs to be at work early, Noah walks with the older kids from daycare.) Then Marc takes the bus to work leaving the car at daycare.

3. Lee-Ann leaves work at 4pm and takes the bus to daycare. She picks up the car and the kids and drives home. Depending on how quickly she can get the kids into the car, they arrive home around 5 or 5:10. On nice days, I look forward to chatting with Shar (the daycare provider) and the other Moms while the kids play outside.

4. Marc takes the bus home from work arriving around 5:45 or 6pm.

So, we drive very little. The drive to daycare is about 5 minutes, yet somehow it is too far to walk especially carrying all the kids' stuff and crossing a very very busy street.

So, I was feeling good about how little we were using the car until last Saturday. Noah and I were getting in the car after his swimming lesson, and the car would not start. After a moment of panic, I remembered I had Marc's phone, so I called him and got the CAA number (which is in his wallet and not the car for some reason). I called CAA. Noah and I bought snacks at the vending machine at the pool and waited. About half an hour later, we got our boost. The CAA guy said our battery was not getting the charge it needed because - get this - we were not driving the car enough. He said we needed to drive it for a sustained half hour once a week to maintain the charge. Who knew?

So, the CAA guy told us to let the car run for half an hour before shutting it down. It was past lunchtime, so I took Noah through the McDonald's drive through. Then we sat in the running car and ate. I felt like putting a bag over my head, or at least a sign in the window explaining why we were letting the car run.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

question of the week

Noah: Mommy, how do you time travel when you need to?

Me: um . . .