
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


So, here's a list of words that Hanaa is saying these days:

hat / cat - both sound like at, but you can tell which she means in context (when she screams "AT AT AT" and points at the cat, she's usually looking for her sombrero.

milk / drink / snack / crack(er) - also sound alike (ack), and are harder to figure out (but if you give her the wrong one, she screams and throws it to the ground.

walk - also pronounced "ack".

dada (Marc)
mama (me!)

mum - means she wants to nurse

lunch - not so much the "L" sound, but the "unch" is perfect!

this-is - catch all question. Also somehow refers to Noah and Molly.

She also quacks like a duck and barks if you say puppy.

Edited to add: I forgot to add "UP", which she says all the time, and "OFF" - very useful with the siblings.

Friday, May 07, 2010

raise a reader

Noah is an avid reader. It is a wonderful thing. He will keep himself busy for hours (doing something that does not involve watching a screen). We have always read to him. I love children's books. I had a collection before I was even pregnant.

I know parents are encouraged to read to their kids for all sorts of good and noble reasons, but here's one more, that extra little boost. Eventually, they will learn to read on their own, and it may afford you, the parent, a little time to sip a cuppa' and type on your blog.