
Monday, October 09, 2006

fast forward

Both the kids seem to be on fast forward these days.

In Molly's case, she is passing milestones left and right. She starting crawling forward yesterday. She is talking more and more. She just loves saying mum mum mum mum mum. (I love it too!) To be fair she has mentioned Dada in passing . . . She is a rough and tumble baby. She loves noise and action and wants to participate.

In Noah's case, it is not so pleasant. His behaviour is impossible these days. He will not listen. In fact, he won't stop talking. His "not listening" has reached a new plateau. He has gone from doing what he wants to do to doing whatever he thinks will make Mom and Dad upset. It is very difficult not to yell at him. In fact, I have a few times, and he just laughs. It's infuriating.

I am really hoping these two phenomena are related. Molly is getting a lot of attention and praise for her accomplishments, and requires more attention because of them (to keep her from hurting herself). Noah wants more attention and acts out because of it AND has to defend his toys. I guess my strategy for the next little while will be to try and "catch" Noah being good and heaping on the attention.

One cool thing about Noah: He is learning how to print words other than his own name. He wrote Larry Boy in church yesterday.

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