
Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I am enjoying my time at home with my kids sooooo much, but I find that haven't written anything down... you know, those little things that happen every day - the baby books are almost embarrassingly blank. So, I decided to start a blog in the hopes that maybe I would record some of the great (and challenging) moments. My current preoccupation is whether or not I want to have another baby. It's a little early to obsess about it as my darling Molly is only 3 months old, but my 35th birthday is fast approaching, and that magical "high-risk" status that comes with it.

Today's memories:

Nursing Molly in the backyard while watching Noah ride his tricycle. He is so proud of the way he can pedal now. I'm sure the backyard won't contain him much longer.

Molly's smile during every diaper change or whenever she gets to be naked.

Noah building a tower Molly's new blocks.

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