
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

a little about noah

I was just looking over my posts and noticed there was more about Molly than Noah, so I'm going to correct that. It's so easy to gush about the baby, especially when the pre-schooler going through a defiant phase. I mean, who really wants to write something like "my son only said Mommy, I don't like you 4 times today".

Noah is a great little kid. He's really funny and has his own quirky sense of humour. He loves to wear hats and pretend to be a spaceman or an explorer. He is learning to pronounce the letter L.

Last night at supper, Marc was telling Noah some jokes:

Marc: Why did the boy throw his clock out the window?

Noah: Because he was in a bad mood?

(silence, followed by Marc and I laughing)

Noah: Is that right?


Marc: How do you stop an elephant from charging?

Noah: Throw a ball and hit it?


Unknown said...

Andrew found his today. It is so funny to watch him get it in there...he starts with his whole hand and tries each finger before finding the one he likes best...his thumb! LOL

Unknown said...

oops, I put my comments in the wrong sections. LOL I hope you can figure out what I mean. How can you tell I have spent all day in the sun and should've been in bed 2 hours ago?? LOL