
Friday, June 30, 2006

no good very bad day

Yesterday was terrible. Noah was pretty much on me all day long. He was either climbing on me, stepping on my foot, standing in front of me, trying to crawl through my legs, or jumping on me. I don't think I've been particularly inattentive lately, so I'm not sure what gives.

I also tried to run errands with the kids. Not a good plan apparently. I needed to renew my drivers' license, and being the end of the month, the line up was super long -- no fun for Noah. Fortunately Molly was content to play with toys in her carseat and charm the other folks in line. At that point, I should have heeded my instinct and gone straight home, but I wanted to make chicken burgers for supper and needed ground chicken, so we went to Safeway.

Driving between MPI and Safeway, I forgot to buckle Noah's seatbelt, so he started freaking out as we were leaving the parking lot. There were cars behind me, so I needed to pull out and park with Noah standing up and almost in the front seat yelling at him to sit down while he's crying about his seatbelt. Bad bad Mommy moment.

In Safeway, Noah would not sit still in the cart and kept leaning out and trying to touch things. When he was out of the cart, he tried to run away 3 times.

There will be no more running errands with more kids than adults.

When we got home, I decided to hang diapers on the line for a little sun bleaching. Note to self: diapers are very very heavy when wet. The line broke. There were diapers all over the yard.

I think this was also the day Noah started saying: "I'm going to kill you Mommy."

That's it. Bad day over.


Unknown said...

ACK! That WAS a bad day!! Big HUGS to you. And happy belated birthday to you. I hope THAT was a great day. :)

Lee-Ann said...

Thanks Amber, I did have a pretty good birthday!