
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

sweet Molly

Molly has decided to become a three year old. It happened sometime last week. Now, usually I'm pleased if the kids are ahead of themselves, but this, ah this could wait.

The terrible twos have never been that awful around here. Molly was downright sweet. If we told her it was Noah's turn with a toy, she would hand it right over. When we asked her to do something (pick up her socks, come to the table), she would sweetly respond: okay-ay, and rush to do whatever it was.

All of that has changed. We've hit the defiant stage. The "I want to be in charge of my life" stage. Lots of drama, lots of tears. Oh dear.

But some things have not changed. She is an extremely grateful child. If you bring her home anything, no matter how small or seemingly dull (to a child), she will say "thank you Mommy" in the sweetest little voice. I mean, she was thrilled with the new underwear I bought her (plain pink, no Dora or anything). The other day she thanked me for bringing home some milk from the grocery store. It's nice to be appreciated. I will have to think of that when she tells me she doesn't love me anymore, which should be in a month or so according to my calculations.

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